Saturday, March 3, 2012

Prayers For The Storm Victims

Yesterday was a very stressful day and evening here in Central Kentucky! Fortunately our area was not hit. The storm went right above and below us, based on the weather patterns we were suppose to get hit pretty hard!  Unfortunately, as I am sure you all know, several areas were hit very hard, even completely destroyed! Our hearts go out to those who were affected by this terrible sequence of tornado's. Prayers are being sent your way.

 Here is a writing prompt that I am going to use with my kiddos during St. Patricks Day week. Click the picture to download.



Michelle Tsivgadellis said...

I am very glad you and your family are safe...I couldn't imagine having to go though that! We live in Az, but I grew up in Cali and we always had earthquakes. It was so common that when one happen in the middle of the night, I would run to the door frame and stand there until it was over...but nothing compared to tornadoes! Egads! I will be praying for those that lost their homes!


The 3AM Teacher

Kelly said...

I'm glad that you are both safe after those storms! I'm nominating both of you for a Top 10 Award. Come stop by my blog for all the details. :)