Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back To School Freebie!

Happy Saturday everyone!!

Today looks like a good day to sit by the pool and do absolutely nothing! So, I called my sister Mary and she is heading over this afternoon for a day of nothing but relaxation. It won't be long and there won't be to much of that, so we have to get it while we can.

The first couple weeks of school are always so crazy. Why do you think that is? It seems that after Labor Day  things calm down, remember we start school August 8th.  What are some things that you do to help those first couple of weeks run smoothly?

Mary sent me this yesterday. It's a vowel digraph sort review for second grade. I am going to use it after I teach my firsties this skill as a word work station. Click on the picture  to download it. We would love some feedback if you download it.


1 comment:

Judy said...

Thank you for following my blog! I am returning the favor! :) I will miss teaching first grade :(
